Sunday, 20 December 2009

Support your local dictator! Go Green.

One thing that struck me about the spectacle of hypocrisy and excess that has just broken up in Copenhagen. Was that as Milliband, Brown et al where busily engaged in grandstanding on the world stage, they where rubbing shoulders with some very unsavoury company Robert Mugabe. Who is merely the most high profile of the grubby prehensile tyrants that tipped up cap in hand at the massive waste of aviation fuel that was COP15. In fact The Hague might have proved a more apt venue for the gathering of so many human rights abusers, international crooks, fraudsters and war criminals.

Amongst the squadrons of private jets (more than 140 of them) and fleets of bulletproof limousines (An estimated 1200) That began to pull into town a fortnight ago there must have been a few candidates for the international court to have a chat to. But it seems that provided you are singing from the man made global warming hymm sheet all other crimes can be overlooked. The odd part of all this is that in spite of the predicable failure of an all singing agreement Africa alone has wrested £60billion per anum from the developed world. So thanks to cretins like Millipede you and me will be like as not helping to pay for oom Bob’s new private jet or president Obiangs latest armoured Merc. As we pay throught the nose so that some of the most odious and evil scum on earth can enjoy a life of unbridled luxury. Still its good for the planet eh?

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