Wednesday 17 September 2008

Brown is far worse than Chamberlain

It was famously suggested that Neville Chamberlain went to Munich to visit Adolf Hitler personally because it wasn't possible to lick a man's boots over the telephone.

It has been suggested in last few days that Gordon Brown's popularity has sank below that of Neville Chamberlain in 1938. what we must not lose sight of is that whilst Neville Chamberlain's appeasement strategy was a foolish one he did what he did in the belief that he was doing the right thing for the nation. Brown on my other hand is doing what he now does in a desperate and I believe also a vain attempt to save his own skin and cling on to the reins of power, long after any credibility may have once had with the British people has evaporated.

Chamberlain at least gave Britain a breathing space to accelerated our rearmament plan which it could be said bought valuable time to prepare for war. unlike Gordon Brown who is simply postponing the inevitable crushing defeat which the Labour Party so justly deserve at the next general election. if Brown does survive the Party conference, (and I hope he does, since he's doing more damage to Labour than Cameron and Clegg put together) every day and every financial crisis will deepen the destruction of New Labour and hopefully reduce the parliamentary Labour Party to a fraction of the current number of MPs it has a in Parliament.

1 comment:

Plato said...

Gordon is indeed shamelessly attempting to save his 'legacy'.

There seems to be no end to what this vain and deluded bastard will do. No wonder Draper is the official gob of NuLabour - two peas in the same pod.

Not sure about the Chamberlain analogy but hey it's your blog.

Good photochop.